My Quotes

When U were born , you cried and the world rejoiced
Live U'r life in such a way that when you go

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Wrap Method parameters in new line in IDE

Here is an alternative to format method params as you wish
1. Windows--> Preferences-->Java -->Code Style-->Formatter
2. Under the profile name even default choose the tab Line Wrapping
3. Image shown below for various options

Adjust settings for CTRL + SHIFT + F in eclipse

In many a situations, your code will be line wraps after 80 characters by default.
You may want to change it for readability purpose.
Here is an alternative to change this settings in your eclipse.

1. Windows--> Preferences-->Java -->Code Style-->Formatter
2. Select Java Conventions [Built-in] from the Active Profile
3. Click on Edit
4. Go to the TAB named “Line Wrapping”.
5. Under General Settings  , change the Maximum Line Width fro, 80 to your number
6. Under the preview section, Set Line Width for preview window from 80 to your number
7. You may have to rename the profile as MyProfile_Java_Profile since built ins are READ-ONLY
Now go to your source and press CTRL + SHIFT +F , you will see that all line breaks are after your number

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Mule to return multiple rows from a JDBC query as a single transaction

Mule to return multiple rows from a JDBC query as a single transaction 

Option -1

Option -2
Setting transactionPerMessage to 'false' on the connector should work if you ALSO set transactionPerMessage property to 'true' on the endpoint and add a transaction like so