My Quotes

When U were born , you cried and the world rejoiced
Live U'r life in such a way that when you go

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Azure Dev Ops- Invoke Agent Demands

  1. ADO you may want to force the pipeline builds to run against a specific agent in an agent pool.
  2. This is possible via “Demands” in the Pipeline builds as shown below
  3. The scenario check to run the TASK against a specific agent name
  4. If the agent name matches from the agent pool, then the job will run else the job will switch to the next agent and then condition will be checked against that agent in that pool.
  5. Until the condition is met the agents in the pool will be round robinly selected by the JOB
  6. This mechanism is used to check the conditions for running a job in a pipeline during runtime

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